Thursday 23 April 2015

Err,Its been long....:)

Its been long since I posted here.I started the blog with an intention to at least have a post weekly.And I totally ignored the same..just like my all other deals,this one to sunk into the deep waters of habits I have accumulated all over the years.

I also could not keep up with the challenge I put for myself in March on Reading as I got caught up in some simple,unwarranted,unneeded necessities of life :).I started off with One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez but somehow could not read through more that 70 pages of the same.I am not sure if Magical Realism is my cup of tea.Anyways,after struggling for couple of nights,trying to get a grip on the various vicious characters, I told myself to take it lite and get some rest!! So I decided to restart and set things up for the month of April.

I have also decided to post about my day in here,lets say around 10:10 pm outlining my day,what I did etc.Its just to keep a tab on ways I loose track of things I do,where I tend to fail and how I can improve.If in case I am unable to post,I promise to keep you informed prior.

That's all from me!!