At the end of each day,I have this feeling bubbling inside me..the feeling of one day being wasted, a day without any satisfaction ,a day without achieving anything at all.And every night I decide that tomorrow will be that day where I will seize the opportunities and get into a routine,which I always wanted. You guessed right, That tomorrow never came!!
I have always wondered, Why am I unable to come out this vicious circle of my poor habits even after knowing exactly the things,the thoughts that needed change.I googled a lot on this and could not find a satisfactory reply as to why anyone would resist changes to life even after knowing that its great when changed ? Every other article says,its due to the comfort of our current position.But,I am uncomfortable about my current situation,and I try to change it,which works at most for 2-3 days.
I decide to vent out and ask a few questions to myself, as we all know asking questions will only get us answers.
What do I want to do ? - I wanted to bring a definite change in my life.
What kind of change ? - I wanted to bring a positive change to my body,mind and soul such that It reflects / projects me as a whole in good picture.
Where do I want this change reflect at ? - As a whole in my family,in my relationships,in my career and in me.
How am I going to do it ? - I have plans :)
Why do I want to change ? - ....hmm...
I had numerous reasons as to why I wanted to change myself,but I could not find any one among them which hit right through me,which could have put me in a do or die situtation.Sure,I wanted to learn more,read more,bring in more discipline to my life ,improve my living conditions and my financial conditions,move out of debt or get into shape.But none of them was neither urgent or important...or so did I believed!!
Who will I become, when I have changed ?
- I would become a good coder in java,algos etc.
- I can achieve better financial and career security
- I can become a role model for my lil one.
- I will be more knowledgable
- I would be in better shape and figure.
- I will be better hobbyist
- I will be able to master time.
- I would develop good skills with creative,critical and logical thinking.
- I will be able to live life my terms.
- I will be most powerful person who would have mastered how to tame changes in life.
- And most importantly,I can be whom I always want to be.
Happy and relieved.As I go through the list above,nothing seems to stand out for which I wanted to give my heart and soul to,which is worth fighting for.Wait...I found one "I can become a role model for my lil one."
Yes,this is the only one which I feel,I am bound to do before it's too late.Every child,learns everything from their parents.Later when they realize its just one way of doing whilst there are many other choices,they reach a state to simply go with the flow and bother not to change.I wouldnt want my lil one to learn from who I'm now,in a million years.Now thats a pretty good reason for a Change.Its motherly love!!Since,I don't have a lot of time before she understands and do everything as I do,I need to Change to the person whom she admires and takes pride.I dont want Regret!!

Now I was,left pondering as to What to do next.Many times I have made decisions to change my life,I have planned but I never could complete it.Well,my plans were very huge :) I now decide to take it one goals at a time and finally accumulate all my desires into a Routine,which will help me in building myself as a brand!!
"Groove Into Routine" - This is a series of goals for making me which will run strictly for only 7 days.If it can be achieved for 7 continuous days,I believe it can be taken any days forward.I do believe its only the start which is intimidating and difficult.
I will have a post running continuously for 7 days with updates on this one goal,ending with a verdict.
Thanks for reading!!! :)
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