Thursday 25 June 2015

A Tree Talk

My true vacation always had been at my maternal grandparents home.Everything is special about this place.

Our home is surreally situated at Munnar,one of the prime tourist spots of Kerala,amidst a forest-wild-plantation like heaven :)...near a creek surrounded by huge boulders of rocks,covered with huge trees and with lot of agricultural activities happening,be it harvesting coffee seeds or cocco seeds etc ,also,with lots of farm animals with occasional visits from wild animals.My cousins,the local friends I made there,with the labourers working at our place and whole of a bunch of grandparents from neighbouring homes - made my summer vacations,the truest,fullest I ever had!!

Though I always wanted to go back to my home even for the smallest of time I get,I certainly could not because of studies and later work took me far away from home.And whenever I reach there I started to act like grown up for the sake of growing up, though I always wanted to be the same little girl running around everybody , dancing with cows and pigs and making a lot of noise!!.

I visited my home after a long time and naturally I didn’t knew she was no longer a part of my family until my grandmother mentioned to me about her.My grandma said "She was becoming a danger to the family as she had grown roots deep enough to topple the boundaries our families preserved for long."And just like that my favourite hang out place,her home was chopped off.My grandma continued,"She was old and it was good riddance for the family.Sigh!"

Monday 22 June 2015

Monday Blues

Quote :


Todays quote resonates me at many levels,but this quote has made me think about every one born in this planet till now.Every one of us is different.We simply try to fit into the norms our society had formed...Think about it ?

Are we like our parents,well not exactly right ? Are we like our siblings...No.Are we like our teachers or friends...We are an amalgamation of everyone we have met in our lifetime.We are different,our experiences are different,the way we perceive the world is different.Yet,we need a quote to make that affirmative in our lives!!

Sad state of affairs!!

Quote By : Piglet from Winne the Pooh! :)

Quote Created : QuotePixel

Friday 19 June 2015


Its Friday once again and here I post the links which I found exciting, thoughtful and fun to read,

  1. Why do we procrastinate ?- Loved the way the Procrastination has been present.Its one of the best articles I have read on the same!!

  2. WallOfWonders : Preserve and Respect the 7 wonders of the world

  3. Web Designers - Quite a lot of trends

  4. A Head Transplant ??

  5. Au Revoir :)

Thursday 18 June 2015

Lucky Me...

Even though I woke up as early as four in the morning,I was running late for work.I ran as fast as I could to catch the bus which ferries me to my workplace.

It was as usual, a hot, sweaty, polluted day.Adding to woes were the suffocating traffic.The only thing that was right for me was to get a seat,that too a window seat.I was glad!! :)

Monday 15 June 2015

Monday Blues!

Quote of the week recite-1rg3olk

The more you think about this quote,the more clearer it gets pictured in your head.Impossible is only until you have not found the solution.Once we find a solution,we rather move forward to next problem than take a little bit of time to actually reward ourselves for the victory of finding out solution to our problem!

Well,I think we should be aware of our problems,and we should try to solve them and yes,we should be solving them at any cost,some how.But then we must also make some time to cheer ourselves up for solving our problems,how trivial it might sound!!!

Friday 12 June 2015


Its Friday and heres my list,

  1.  LibriVox - Anything you would want to read...just listen it over here!!

  2. Project Gutenberg - Anything you would want to read - just read it for free.Though,the charm of holding a book to read will not be there,its still good to go. :)

  3. X by Y minutes - Learn anything from here in smallest span of time.I started learning Ruby from here.

  4. How to debug your brain ?

  5. Quotes - Signing off the week with some magnificent quotes by Steve Jobs :)


Wednesday 10 June 2015

Catch me if you can...

My life as I have known,have come to a standstill.

I am unable to think clearly and even breathe properly.

I am in a untraceable mess,not knowing how my next minute is going to be.

All I know is I need to be strong for my family...for my daughter and my husband.. And I will be strong as rock,and help secure our life.

I have no idea,I have no means as to how am I going to do that,but I am damn sure,that no matter what,I'm going to make my life happen.

That day,I shall revive my blog to its glourious ways.

I shall share my story,once I come in terms with the sudden,unexpected guest in my home.Coming in uninvited and being so stubborn to go away,I am in all vigour to take him out and trash him away!!

Let me do my job!

Until then,bbye!


Something have happened in my life which has made me realise what I had in in my life was the most beautiful thing in this world.I am striving hard to overpower the "guest" from our home and help rebuild my life once again.

Hoping to keep going with the blog as well.

Thanks for being there!!