Friday 10 July 2015


TGIF and here are my favourites once again,

  1. MindBodyGreen - Every  morning,I diligently visit this small haven to have my dose of facts,bit of self help,green juices,workouts etc.

  2. MadeHow - Would you like to know how our daily use items are made ? Or how computers are made.Just go to this place to know about all those!! :) Quite a site to indulge when you have some time.

  3. Learning Android - A good place to start if you are interested in Android Dev

  4. So whats your personality ? I am Artisan :)

  5. Had to do some work based on Naive Bayes Theorem and stumbled upon this piece.Well had to unlearn to re-learn this :P

That's all for today!! :)

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