Thursday 16 July 2015


I achingly longed for him,

For the silence was deafeaning

He,the one who plays the tunes

And to which, I lovingly sway

Sometimes gently,

Sometime vigorously

Longer are his songs on some days

Just a while,otherwise

At times he brings his friends

Who makes me tingle and sparkle

Mesmerized in their music

I give away my brittle babies

With the bodies of my dead children

He and his friends disappears slowly

While,I wonder where he takes them all

And fumingly I wait for his return

But then,with his approaching music

I forget my dead children

And I simply give way to his needs

For its a vicious circle

His tunes and my dance

Are inseparable

For as long as life exists

The wind plays his tunes

Along with his raining friends

A lone banyan trees sways

Shedding away her yellow leaves...

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