Monday 31 August 2015

Monday Blues!

worst thing

This quote resonates with me in such a way that it gives me guilt!

No matter how many good,fool proof excuses I come up in not keeping a promise to myself,I still know deep down in my heart that its my non accountability to myself  or risking myself to do something which I always wanted to do is the only reason why I am here and not there, where I want to be.

And today,as I read through the quote,it reflects upon me that no matter how many promises I make and keep my word for others,its only those promises I make to myself and I keep them will bring me the real peace to my inner turmoil.

The more you ignore them,more you get depressed and more you fail to keep promises to oneself.So just one thing, right now "I will be self accountable to myself in decisions I make in my life."



  1. This happens to me too but I have stopped thinking about it. And don't worry it is never too late for anything! 😊

  2. Gee..I am not alone!! Well,the more I not think about it...the more it appears into my life..:) Thanks for your wishes!!
