Friday 14 August 2015

Writing Room

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Writing Room."

This prompt reminded me of the ideal place I had in my head for so many years.In all these years,I have added and deleted things making this my ideal room.

I always wanted to have a small room but with a wall size window overlooking may be a big green oak tree or lush green meadows or a deep dark pond full of life.Add to it a cozy window bed with a small writing table,just enuf to hold a book or a laptop!!The space painted in white sparkling color will contain ordered shelves filled with stacks of my books :).I have always felt that this room would be in the first floor of my home....

I can always imagine myself reading a book while sipping a hot cuppa of Tea and slowly falling into my dreams,all the while its raining outside ;)


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