Thursday, 30 June 2016

Bye Bye June...

Its another end-of-month and it also marks half of the year,2016.Its six moths,puff....I have no idea where did all the time,the months have gone by ?

  • June is very special.Since I already mentioned this.June marks the day which I will never forget in my entire life.It has changed my entire life.This day has helped me value things more deeply,helped me become more grateful about my life and also it made me realize time is indeed a healer to some extent.It helps you put things into perspective that you might never have thought of.

  • June also marks the first day of my lil girl play school.She is all grownup and is quite happy to go to school,much like me.And I love to hear all about her naughtiness when she is there :).Love you 'N' !!

  • And with June,the most amazing monsoon rains has arrived.And the first day is always like in the book "Chasing the Monsoons" :).Speaking of which,I was able to quickly read through the 4-book-a-month-Goodreads challenge,but the reviews of the same are pending here at the blog.

Yeah I know a lot of things have been pending here at my nook,well I promise to bring a change to them :)

July,Bring it On...!!

Monday, 20 June 2016

Monday Blues!!


Being comfortable in your world is something,which we all yearn for.If that good day,could become every other day,we become so happy.But then being at the same place for so long that we cease to see ourselves elsewhere.That is difficult.Seeing the whole of your future mapped makes us feel bad instead of happy.Well at least for me.It offers no room for improvement.The same old routines make life, well lifeless.We become so engrossed in building the life, which feels alien to us and after a certain period of time we feel weak to be even able to take a decision to step away from your comfort zone!

Certainly stuck in this place and now,even taking the smallest decision to find something that interests me is so very difficult.Someone has quoted my mental state so accurately!

This quote is so profound!

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Ah..that word...

I have a million of things to write about and about hundreds of them make to my drafts.And I post only a handful of them.

Does that show I don't value what I write ? Do I feel my words are not worthy of an audience? Why do I keep on mercilessly edit and reframe the sentences ? Why can't I just write down all that passes through my head,shoulders,knees and toes ?

Well, some will read the entire thing while some will simply scan.Some may even comment.I always have this fear of not being able to write up to a standard I have set for myself.Sometimes,I even feel so very drained out after replying to a comment.Does that show my need for perfect pieces ? My head says " are just being paranoid" and my heart says.. it is because I am too attached to the writing and I want to excel in it! But the more I try to hold myself, I feel like I might loose the interest to make wordy things in my world!

And then one day might come,when I will no longer be able to write anything! Ah..the perfect word that summons my thoughts : "Writer Block"

Those words,
Emotionally wrecking
Deepening wounds
Inflicting mind
Some are burned
Some are crude
It's stuck,somewhere
And everywhere
In my heart ?
Or In my gut ?
And I try hard
To force them out
A bundle of words,
Falls right in here...


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Its a Happiest Day!!

Today,Is THE Happiest day in my life.I cannot think of any other day I have been this happiest!

A whole year,since this...Its's true that life does give us lemons,but it is for us to make lemonades!! :)


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Monday Blues!!



A beautiful quote that perfectly summarizes living a life :).Reminded me of Walter Mitty !!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


It was my stupidity to suck in that gush of filthy air into my lungs.It made me very sick.I have been now warned never to disconnect from my air filter device, if I needed to breathe ever again !!

Note : A  reality(?) in many years to come ! :|

In response to the Daily Prompt : Connected