Tuesday 2 August 2016

August,you are here already ?

It's a new month already and it quite didn't register in my mind.July went so fast or so I felt.There were no rains at our place,It did make me sad!.

  • July was a month of coughs,fever,sickness,curled up in beds,lots of snuggling.In a way,I enjoyed the time with my girl and myself.Just wished that the sickness would go away.

  • We went for a short trip to "Thenmala",an eco -tourist spot just outside the city.It was really superb.A lot of walking among dinosaurs infected woods.A blog post is a must to relive the time again.

  • I lost two of my phones,sigh!! And that had put a full stop to most of my online activities in July.But,I ordered 2 phones as well :).They will be arriving soon!

  • And my mind was kind of wandering like a ship amidst the storm with no sight of land.And I must say,I have still not calmed down.The turmoil is deep etched into my heart.I hope,I will know what to do!

So,there a sneak peak on my July.August,please be nice!!

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