I am married to a wonderful person,”R”.It was an arranged marriage.To tell the truth,I was not into the whole marriage thing.I always wanted to run away..wander into some unknown place,out of my familiar and suffocating home..living from a single bag.I wanted to go deep into the wild,explore places where no one would have gone,read a lot and more.I wanted to find a nook for me in this world.
And as expected,like in most of Indian family,my parents never approved of my thoughts and choices.They wanted me to be their obedient daughter,well raised and bred for family.And then,I had my stars and signs all messed up,which added to their BP.Anyways,I was summoned to meet my now-husband “R”.The meeting lasted for more than the usual time.And discussions started from name,place thing to everything under the sun.It was clear that somewhere,he was going to be the “guy”.
To tell the truth,it was only after the marriage and then a hastily city shifting,and then a few more days of settling down I actually started to really know my hubs.We both had many similarities and even more differences.He is more a techie guy and I a book person.He hates reading,but I love it.He hates pizza,but loves oats.And for me,oats is yucky-substance!!.He is very particular about looks and checks and rechecks the dress he wants to buy,while me,I get in a shop and will be out in a jiffy as I already know what I want.He is a gym-fitness-freak,while I am 9 am-snoring person.
But amidst,all of these we did find our love blossoming.It is beyond anything you can particularly associate with.
He taught me,its okay to be myself.
He made me understand,life is how we respond to it.
He said,that our company can move mountains together
He told me crying with me,for me was foremostost the beautiful thing he has done.
He does all those things especially for me,which is more valuable than anything expensive
He tries to fulfil my dreams in a subtle way ;)
He listens when I talk.
He goes silent when in pain,which made me realise,silence hurts more than yelling
He always says,for any problem,there is a solution even if some problems always remain so..
And the list goes on...but the most important one would be the way he make me feel loved all the time!! and thats what I would have wanted in my life!!
This is for my love,my dearest “R”.
I am grateful to have him in my life!!
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