Monday 4 July 2016

Underrated Pleasures :)

That catch of blood sucking mosquito

That timely hold of a falling cup

That final full stop at the end of a long thesis

That sweaty finish to daily workout

That compiling of the age old program

That first scoop of vanilla ice cream

That fragrance of the new book

That quick awareness of having longer hours to alarm

That moment when my baby sleeps :)

That window seat in a long journey

That bursting of bubbles in the wrapper

That small gap of time to relive your itchiness

That realization of a long weekend :)

That this list is never going to end


In response to the Daily Prompt "Pleasure"


  1. […] Some More Fiction 13. artifiswords – PLEASURE 14. Taboo: Loving Pain – Darkly Dezire 15. Underrated Pleasures🙂 – “A SURREAL ODYSSEY” 16. Blogging Fundamentals Day 12: Make Some New Connections – 17. […]
