Thursday 1 September 2016


I fear,
The whispers of peers
The coughs of strangers
I fear,
The loneliness in the crowd
And the suffocation in familiarity
I fear,
The ambitions and dreams I have
Not that I won't achieve,but what If I achieve​ them ?
I fear,
I die without a legacy
I might never try t build one!
I fear,
I am brittle and is crushed by loved ones
But I know,I am strong enough to face a storm
I fear,
I knowingly choose the path
Though I knew,I wanted to go the less travelled one
I fear,
I die without a reason
I live every day,dying inside


I am not sure what I fear about! I know deep inside​ of me that I am capable of chasing and achieving my dreams and aspirations but the fear of moving and achieving is killing me.It hurts!! I ignore all those that things that maketh me.I ignore those feelings that scream to me and say,come one with me.
I choose to ignore and search for something which I know does not exists!

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