Monday, 31 August 2015

Monday Blues!

worst thing

This quote resonates with me in such a way that it gives me guilt!

No matter how many good,fool proof excuses I come up in not keeping a promise to myself,I still know deep down in my heart that its my non accountability to myself  or risking myself to do something which I always wanted to do is the only reason why I am here and not there, where I want to be.

And today,as I read through the quote,it reflects upon me that no matter how many promises I make and keep my word for others,its only those promises I make to myself and I keep them will bring me the real peace to my inner turmoil.

The more you ignore them,more you get depressed and more you fail to keep promises to oneself.So just one thing, right now "I will be self accountable to myself in decisions I make in my life."


Thursday, 20 August 2015

From you to you

It was that time yet again.A new place,a new home,new routines...Yes,we were changing to a new house yet again but this change was quite unexpected.This was supposed to be our home,the sweet home where we planned to finally settle down.

The packers and movers had arrived promptly and were hurriedly dumping away everything into huge carton boxes.My husband was giving away instruction on handling that expensive Television and Home Theatre,while I was looking amusingly at his expressions.And it was then,the old and torn Action shoe box appeared right in front of me out of the blue.Along with it came a flood of memories.

Nothin’ But A Good Time.

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Nothin’ But A Good Time."

Sigh!! The prompt is exactly what I wanted right now in my life.Totally a day for myself!!With a toddler...who effectively handles me all the day and night,along with a very tiring job...add to it woes of moving to a new place.Sigh!,the most ideal idea that is running in my head is "A Good Sleep like Log phase"..phew.


Keeping "sleep" aside..The things I would love to do on a day which I have entirely for myself...hmm..brace for a long list :)

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Helpless."

“Mama, how does Red sound ? “

Nevin says, "Apple is Red".I know apple,it's that thing we eat,but what is Red ? How does it sound like ?

When she asked me how Red hear like..I was totally helpless to make my blind daughters understand what “red” means..!

Monday, 17 August 2015

Monday Blues!


Well,this quote has helped me immensely in continuing my new work out plan.My new HIIT Circuit,literally drains the whole energy but I still complete the same,even if it means dragging my butt all the way through it :P

Have a happy week ahead!! :)

Friday, 14 August 2015

Five Friday Finds

Quickly I list down my five  single find for this Friday!! - TED Talks

Happy Weekend


Writing Room

In response to The Daily Post's writing prompt: "Writing Room."

This prompt reminded me of the ideal place I had in my head for so many years.In all these years,I have added and deleted things making this my ideal room.

I always wanted to have a small room but with a wall size window overlooking may be a big green oak tree or lush green meadows or a deep dark pond full of life.Add to it a cozy window bed with a small writing table,just enuf to hold a book or a laptop!!The space painted in white sparkling color will contain ordered shelves filled with stacks of my books :).I have always felt that this room would be in the first floor of my home....

I can always imagine myself reading a book while sipping a hot cuppa of Tea and slowly falling into my dreams,all the while its raining outside ;)


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Baby Talks

How chweet does the word "abba" sound to you ? Thats how my little one calls me.Every time she comes holds my hand and pulls me with all her might to take her to the place where she wants to go or to get the thing she needs :)

In her sweetest voice she calls me "abba ba" :).I sometimes ignore her just to hear her call me once more!!

Being mama is bliss!! :)