Monday, 5 October 2015

Most overrated book I have read

Oh there are so many!! But nothing beats these:



Agreed that these books did instil a surge of "reading" into many new readers esp in our country,but I simply could not agree to the popularity of these books on lines of being great reads!!?? :(


  1. I'll never understand why the Shiva Trilogy is so popular! I read the first book and came out brain damaged! :P

  2. So true dear friend....😀

  3. I will still pre-order the next CB book! :D But I agree they're mostly blah stuff.

  4. These books are not overrated but they may be ordinary but certainly trend setter..... when 5 point someone released not so many people were writing in that zone..... and then everyone jumped on to writing about college life .....

    same goes with Shiva Trilogy......I can see now so books being written by Indian writers around mythological fiction....

  5. Yea,certainly they are trend setters.What "5 point someone" did to Indian fiction,I don't think anyone else can.
    But,are they that good ? I doubt.
    At least for me,these stories never span beyond the reading of book. A book for me offers true value,if I am able to ponder over the protagonists,their situations,their reactions etc at some point of time during the read
