Wednesday 4 November 2015


It was indeed very cold.

"Unusual" she thought as she wrapped herself in the pallu of her sari against the cold gushing winds flowing from the sea.But that was not enough to protect her from the chilly cold winds.

It was very early in the morning and the coldness still lingered in the air.She ignored and started walking towards the beach.Even though her home was near to the beach,just a couple of minutes away, she only could hear the sea.And in her whole life,was in sync with the music of sea.

The road was deserted save for a couple of joggers.She stopped in between a couple of times due to coughs but was eagerly looking in the direction of the sea.She could  hear the waves crashing against the rocks,which reminded her of something from her past.

A smile instantly crossed her lips...

The buildings disappeared and the road came to an end.There she was,in front of the majestic Sea.

She stood , stared and marvelled the sea.The sea,her destination,from this far was looking very calm as one could ever could think of but she could also sense the deep turmoil the ocean was hiding within her.

"Sea was just like her or was she like the sea".Her mind was chuckling on the similarities between her and the ocean

Sensing that she was standing there for a long time, she slowly started towards the sea.She removed her chappals carefully and held them in her hand.She also held her saree towards her.She then placed her right foot into the cold sand but retreated even more faster.

She smiled to herself and thought,"I can never change".

Slowly she started walking towards the sea.Thousand grains of sand pieced her bare feet through its coldness.She became numb but enjoyed every moment of the walk,sinking her feet deep into the sand.

She looked above the sky and saw the fading moon.Some distant stars were also present but were but losing their charm.She smiled again.Random thoughts.

She moved towards her usual place amongst the rocks ,which was very difficult to get on to as well.But years of practice had made her climb the rocks to get to her usual place quite easily,except for the few slips ands scratches.The place gives a wonderful view of the rising sun,crashing waves...just for herself..

From where she sat,the crashing waves touched her feet.It made her very cold.But she waited...she waited for the sun to rise.She knew she had some more time.She had started earlier than any other day.

This...this one thing was her routine.For years,decades together.

And one day it came to a sudden halt.It was on this very routine,on this very same path to the sea,to watch the sun rise,her only companion of life had left her..

She had none.No children,No relatives,No friends.

Since their wedding day,her entire world revolved around him.They always were together on any journey they had ever gone.But,sadly he could not take her for this one last journey.

And after today this routine,it would stop for ever,she remembered.She was now admitted to another home,by some distant relatives.She chose not to voice any opinions.

She thus decided to embark this one last trip,before parting with the routine.She had woken up very early today,dressed best in her wedding saree and started towards the sea..

She stared to the infinite horizon,repeating the picture of her life.Her thoughts wandered and they aroused many feelings in her,which rolled off from her eyes as tears.

Suddenly,she heard a familiar voice..."Ruku..Rukhmani…Come lets go dear.??"

She came out of her never ending thoughts.She did hear someone calling her name.But who would be knowing it ? She wondered.

She was doubtful,"Was this some kind of illusion ?.And the voice was so familiar."She was confused.

She somehow knew it was "him",but could not relate to it.

She looked all around to see if she missed anything.But it was all the same,the rough sea, the pale sky,the huge rocks and the same her.

Suddenly a gush of cold winds made her shiver,and she could hear her mind whispering,"Its him,and he is waiting for you.."

She sighed!!.

The beach,it became dark with clouds.Calmness of the air was slowly disappearing.The waves,they became heavier.

It seemed like a fast approaching storm..

And that day it rained.

It rained so very heavily,drenching every inch of her lifeless body.

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