Wednesday 2 December 2015


Dad : Hey, son did you have your dinner ? Come down now and have dinner.Mama and me are waiting for you.

Son : Im nt hngry nw!.wil hv lt ltr.

Mom : Its getting cold.If you can better come to eat.I need to do the dishes and then go to sleep.Come down now!

Son : k

Mom : Will you call down her as well ?

Dad : Hey daughter, can you come down for dinner ?Its already 8.

Daughter : I dnt hv tym dad.I hv 2 finis of tis asgnmnt 2 b submitd 2mrw.

Daughter : I nt hngry 2.Mom has made bhidi, which i don’t lik !

Mom : Well the time you take to type of this conversation in whats

app is all needed for you to come down and have the dinner !! :D


Note : Inspired by a  present day whatsapp family scene :D,I witnessed recently!!

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