Thursday 3 December 2015

November's End

Yet another month has passed.And as I look back,I am pretty much the same person,that I was earlier this month.Only that,I am just more tired!!

With ailing parents , a hustle-bustle toddler,time crunching assignments at office,daily commutes,life was quite busy this November.

And then there were rains.Not like the usual "thulavarsham" we get here at Kerala.But this time,rains were saying hi at all wrong times.It would be sunny all morning and then suddenly out of no where there comes huge rain,just to drench my washed and dried up clothes and then again sunshine.These were not the rains I know of...I am cribbing,I know.I can only assume the loss of chennaites!!Well,I too once was a proud resident of namma chennai.The place where I used to stay is all filled up with water :|.There were no drop of water to drink then and even now though its all surrounded by water.What an irony!

I pray that all remain safe,especially babies,new borns!!


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