Tuesday 22 December 2015



     A revelation of my love

Simple thoughts of you 

         Brings out ecstasy in me

I am in love with you,

         And your velvet touch

I am already in heaven

         Bestowed by your kisses

I live now with this purpose

         For being there for you 


I know, seasons never come

        Before they ought to !!

Impatiently, I wait for that day

         Until you dawn upon me

Not so far, I can feel,

       This bittersweet wait

Awakened by this,

         beautiful dream 

I sense the tingle

         Of holding your finger

From far across

         Beyond the worldly barriers


I realize, I am you !!

Note : I had written this while counting days to my D-date to see my lil girl 'N' :).Its been 2 years,but still remains so fresh in my memory.

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