Saturday, 31 October 2015
October-A peek back
I have always felt that slow end of October brings in a coldness or some sort of numbness of the bygone year.Its that part of year which makes me unknowingly realise that its going to be another year end.That smell of the lurking new year night is just right in the corner.An year older,a year wiser.Thats what I am right now.
A lot of things have happened in this month some in favour of me,and some against me.Some has had the capacity to mould me into a different person,than I was a few days ago.
Octobers are long....but then there is the sweet November.....
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
My favourite writer
Nanditha - a lover of love and of death.She was a versatile and talented poet who has a special place in my heart.

Her words,their meanings ; they sting you so deep...and you are left in awe.
Quoting here is some of my favourite lines from her poems,
” My Mask too fine and serene,
My smile ugly, words worthless
The mask is torn to pieces
Still I wear a self conscious laugh….”
Musa - The Warrior

Monday, 26 October 2015
Monday Blues!

Some quotes makes me spellbound,speechless.This is one such quote.
I wonder,why I didn't post this earlier!
Thursday, 22 October 2015
A book I hated!

I was young,when I read this book and I could not comprehend what the author wanted to convey.I was thinking,what is there in this novel for it to be a Nobel prize winner!!!.I felt absolutely stupid,not being able to get to the bottom.
I hated it.Period.
I want to re-read this once again...who know,may be I can then understand the depth in those words :)
Happy Smileys
I dearly miss him.
My mother never made us any french fries or burgers though we both loved them and absolutely jump into any such occasions when we can have them.Our first taste of french fries came when we were visiting our Aunt.She was very quick in making them.It was so easy peesy!And boy it was yum with the ketchup!! :D.We wanted more,but then my mother was showing her round eyes when my hands wanted to grab everything in the plate.She made fries_not_seen_kid_poker face :D and said to my Aunt that she can never make anything like this.To which my aunt,laughed and told my mom she got these from her nearby super market and was called McCain French Fries
We both noted the name "McCain" in our minds and was waiting for a golden opportunity to lay hands on them,once again.Then a day came,quite a long time after the first tasting.It was when our parents were out of town,we decided to buy McCain French Fries and try it at home.Our parents had given us some money incase of any emergency.I was confident enough to make them as I had already seen how my Aunt made them. And I knew ,I just have to follow instructions on the cover!
My brother went to the near by supermarket and bought a packet of McCain Smileys and Potato Wedges.We were both scared and happy.We placed the oil,lighted the fire,waited for it become hot enuf to put the smileys.But patience was quite less and we added the first one before the oil became hot.Alas,it was kind of soggy.After the first flop performance,we then waited a bit until the oil had heated up.We tried one more of the smileys and whoa,that was just awesome.
I still remember the smile on my brothers face on our success.It was a quick cooking and we finished up everything :D :D.
I was so happy that my little brother was happy.And we promised to have another round when our parents were out of station the next time.
PS: My mother did find out about our adventure from the covers and she asked us to keep for her the next time.:D LOL
Update - 01/Mar/2016 :

Monday, 19 October 2015
A book that reminds me of home

This is the book that came to mind instantly when I tried to jog my memory about the book that reminds me of home,though this was anything but my home :)
This book is one of the masterpieces of my favorite author Malayatoor. His style is of etching a deep nostalgic mark of the story,of incidents he portrays in his books.Verukal is one such book full of incidents,each a story of its own and collectively the story of the author!
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
When I saw 'You' in here
Cladded in your brown sweater,
I couldn’t but only admire
Long legs and slender body,
Blue eyes and beautiful hair,
And a smile so heavenly...
A perfect beauty I have seen ever.
While sipping the hot coffee
Glancing for a vacant seat
You came right to my table
I knew then, God had intervened in.
Moments I always thanked for
Flew across my mind
As a bunch of lovely memories
While I walk past "The Cafeteria"
Our House
My first home as I remember was a white terrace home,which was the first house in a huge compound consisting of three other houses.There was a pathway leading to the home from the gate,alternatively a cement road was also present.It had shrubs which can be called as small trees,and they had lot of nests in them.
The first thing I remember about the home is its colour.It was a bluish white washed home in the late 80s.And it had a pattern grill on the verandah.And it showed beautiful patterns in the late afternoon,when the sun sets!
There was a small room as soon as you enter the home,which I believed was my room.We had a hall cum dining and adjacent to it was the only bedroom.The kitchen ? I don't rememeber :D,but I know there was one :D.
There was a huge open tank just outside our home,on to which I fell and drowned once.Though I don't rememeber,that happening.I was saved coz my mamma was determined enuf not to let me die!! Its a tale to be heard from my mom.
Ah..this was the home from where I disappeared briefly panicking my parents,while I fell asleep under the cot.
This home is where I had my first_friend_sleep_over :D
We welcomed my little brother in this home.I used to sing lullabies to him all the time.I also remember,stealing and hiding his toys and chocolates,and I myself forgetting where I kept it hidden!
...The memories,the closeness,the happiness..childhood..its magical! :)
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
The book I ended up loving!

A thick book with thousands of words in a single sentence!
I gulped when I first saw the book and I absolutely didn't want to read it,but then I also wanted to know why people were praising this book so much! :P
Thus slowly I began reading the book.It was very difficult especially the first 100 pages or so,but then I fell into a rhythmic track of reading.Slowly I fell in love with Roark,Dominique and their lives!
And when I finished,I became an object-fan of Ayn Rand ;)
Monday, 5 October 2015
Most overrated book I have read

Inspired by this quote,today I felt like giving myself a promise to have"5 minutes to myself"!
I simply don't know what can be done in 5 mins or what will I get if I give myself some 5 mins.Well,I even don't know when this 5 mins will come by in my crazy day,but hey I will just try and keep this simple promise! :)